Note: Changes to the registry are made in these steps. Take great care in making only the changes described below. I recommend that you backup the registry keys you're modifying in these steps as an extra precaution.
If you're uncomfortable making registry changes, check out the tip at the bottom of the page.
The process goes like this.
Click on Start and then Run.
In the text box in the Run window, type regedit and click OK. This will open the Registry Editorprogram.
Locate the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\WPAEvents\OOBETimer
Check the rightside values for WPAEvents. It will be a complicated sequence of numbers & digits Right-click on the OOBETimer entry and choose Modify from the resulting menu.
Change at least one digit in the Value data text box and click OK. This will deactivateWindows XP.
Click on Start and then Run and type
%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
When the Windows Product Activation window appears, choose Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows and then click Next.
Click Change Product Key.
Type your new, valid Windows XP product key in the New key text boxes and then click Update.
If you're taken back to the previous screen and prompted, choose Remind me later.
Restart your PC.
If you are not comfortable with registry then you can refer this freeware. This is Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder has ability to easily change the Product key for Windows XP.
Note - Changing product key for illeagal or pirated softwares or programs is not advised and not at all encouraged. Instead you can use OpenSource softwares. Check for any necessary softwares or contact me on with subject opensource softwares
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